From start-up, to development, to launch, the success of your product depends on how well it is accepted by your target audience or consumer. The goal is for a customer or user to find a connection between themselves and your product, in any way possible.
Every product, company, or individual is essentially a brand. Psychologically, you want your brand to convey a specific message to your target audience.
Start-up companies and even well-established companies sometimes spend months establishing a visual direction for their product.
Every brand delivers a message through its visual identity. It makes an audience feel a certain way, thus persuading the audience to make a desired action. Essentially the desired action is to buy the product or service.
But the goal is to have the product connect with the consumer after buying the product or downloading the software. If your brand can make the audience feel a certain positive emotion, then you hopefully have an engaged follower, a consumer and even a brand advocate.
Usually, the initial beginning of a brand representation to an audience is through its logo.
Through colors shapes and line placements, a logo delivers a visual message to an audience. Selecting the correct elements to your logo helps your brand deliver a message through its visual identity.
Consider the Facebook logo. If it were yellow instead of blue would its audience still have trusted the platform with personal information and essentially helping the Facebook brand grow to a multimillion-dollar company?
Below is a quick guide to how colors convey emotion and captivate an audience.
Visual identity is not only important because of the colors or feeling it conveys.
One of the most important reasons a company would need branding is because it is how the company gets remembered. Having an easily recognizable powerful logo is your first opportunity to pass your message to an audience. Of course, there is much more to branding than the brand’s logo, which is just the tip of the iceberg.
Branding would also increase your company’s monetary value over time making it a prominent symbol in the industry you serve. This would make for a more appealing investment.
The process of creating a unique image, name, and message for your company or business, is not something that should be taken lightly. Essentially your brand’s visual identity can make or break you.
For a consultation and to find out how you can give your company a direction through branding contact AHBC Group.
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to get quick tips on how to better develop your brand.